
Teaching ... is ever since I started it a huge source of exploration and inspiration. In different ways, it is an opportunity to question what is moving me as well as what I wish to transmit.

In contact with the participants, musicians, dancers, their desires and doubts, I'm refreshing my approach at every moment. It is foremost an exchange between us and therefor I see myself as a facilitator.

Music and dance are ways to move, to invite oneself to be movement, to be moved and, with the help of some physical laws :) and the power of imagination, they are ways to move the other, to move together, to change, to transform.

They are paths to more vibrance, in tune with Life, with the Greater, however you may name it. Ways to enhance one's listening to oneself and to the other, to open to others, to walk and live with the others and this universe we're part of.

Music is movement,

the voice, the sound of a body,

the body, the tone of our path,

the color of our choices, experiences, life…

The WORKSHOPS I propose evolve according to the encounters, the experiments and the workshops that I myself follow.

However, 2 axes are weaving them: the listening (to oneself, to others, to one's own rhythm and that of others, to one's own imagination, to the collective imagination, etc.) and the space ( in our bodies, in our voices, between us, for everyone, in breathing, in silence, to relate to, …).

Through oral transmission of polyphonic songs from different countries and continents, the practice of improvisation, movement, games of rhythms, sound and harmony, these laboratories tend to enrich our experience of individual and collective music, to refine our sense of rhythm, sound and harmony, to equip ourselves technically for more freedom and above all to stimulate our imagination and the singing-fields of possibilities together. 

Dance to free our body, our voice and sing to feel, express our inner dance.

I continue to unwind the thread of JAZZ, which has framed my musical experience since its beginnings.

When it comes to accompanying his learning, I continue of the approach of the Workshops and it is by relying on what jazz is essentially for me: a momentum, a living movement, nourished of deeply positive convictions and energy and of a certain urgency.

Music is a place of expression and freedom and jazz is a wonderful door, a beautiful tool to experience it.

Some ever-to-me-inspiring persons and quotes:

" (...) Comment “être” musique plutôt que de jouer la musique? " - Fabrizio Cassol

" Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. " - Frank Zappa

" (...) Toute musique qui peut grandir et se développer elle-même comme l’a fait notre musique, doit avoir en elle une sacrée dose de conviction positive. Quiconque prétend douter de cela, ou prétend croire que les représentants de notre musique de liberté ne sont pas guidés par cette même idée, est soit de parti pris, musicalement stérile, carrément idiot ou encore a une idée derrière la tête. Crois-moi, Don, nous savons tous que ce monde de «Liberté», qu’un grand nombre de gens semble craindre aujourd’hui, a sacrément à voir avec cette musique. En tous cas, j’ai trouvé chez Copland pas mal de points positifs. Par exemple: "Je ne peux pas imaginer une œuvre d’art qui soit sans convictions implicites. "- John Coltrane à Don Michael

" (...) Car le chemin de l'art, c'est aussi interroger sans relâche ses capacités, reconnaître l'endroit où l'on se tenait en définitive depuis le début, se laisser désarmer et recevoir les assauts nourriciers de la vie. Comment sinon parler de la mort, de l'incertitude et des séismes de l'amour sans se frotter nuit après jour et jour après nuit à la splendeur de la vitalité primitive. "- Martine Wyckaerts


For booking, workshops or CD's, please contact me here: